Blake’s Kaffee Klatsch: Dressing for the EGC Role of the Priest (Open) – 10:00am Sun 7 Jun 2020

Brew your Koffee and let’s talk!  Blake’s Kaffee Klatsch!  (queue cheesy talk show music)

If you haven’t studied the Gnostic Mass, you may not realize why the officers dress as they do.  If you haven’t attended mass at more than one body or watched it with different officers, you may not realize there isn’t a standard uniform.  This session will examine what the guidance for dressing the Priest is in Liber XV, examine the history of dressing a “priest” role in other traditions, and examine patterns for dressing the priest (such as caps of maintenance, outer robes, base robe, patterns for some traditional pieces). There will be a demonstration of two patterns one for headgear and the other for the outer robe.
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